Dog Natural Bones Treats

Giving your dog a natural bone to chew is one of the oldest and most traditional reward given to dogs, but it is much more than just giving him something to chew on.

Chewing on hard bones is a natural way for dogs to clean teeth and exercise muscles. Hard chew treats improve the dog's dental health by giving the dog a chance to exercise the gums and scrape teeth and promotes healthy teeth for your dog.

Natural bones can be fed any time as a snack or reward, as a substitute for chewing furniture (especially useful for teething puppies!) or to occupy a dog during travel time or to help alleviate separation anxiety. Natural bones are fully digestible, and a good source of protein and calcium. They provide an enjoyable chewing experience and satisfy a dogs natural carnivorous instincts.

Smaller dogs normally like smaller bones, but bigger dogs will sometimes ignore big bones and go for smaller ones. Be careful not to give large dogs, small bones your dog can choke if they accidently swallow them whole.

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