VioVet Blog - Dog Health & Wellbeing News

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  • Stop your dog pulling on the lead Image

    Stop your dog pulling on the lead

    15 May 2018 (Last Updated: 24 April 2024) - by in Dog Health & Wellbeing News

    Leash training is an important aspect of general puppy training and is vital if you want to avoid a game of tug-o-war every time you go for a walk. You also want to ensure your dog has good manners and respects your position in the pecking order. So how do you teach a dog to walk calmly and politely on the lead? Depending on how willing your dog i...

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  • Elimination diets: a simple guide to identifying a food allergy Image

    Many dogs are affected by food allergies, but when it comes to identifying the particular allergen causing problems, it can be a lengthy and involved process. Elimination Diet To isolate the allergen, an elimination diet is needed. This should always be undertaken under the care and advice of your vet to avoid getting it wrong and making your dog&r...

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  • Dealing with food allergies Image

    Dealing with food allergies

    15 March 2018 (Last Updated: 10 March 2022) - by in Dog Health & Wellbeing News

    Food allergies account for roughly 10% of all allergies in dogs, and even more in cats. Although these can be severe and result in uncomfortable symptoms, once you’ve identified the specific food that’s causing problems, you can pretty much resolve the issue. It is the proteins in food that have the ability to trigger allergies, and the...

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  • Breed-specific diseases in dogs Image

    When it comes to buying or adopting a dog, the breed you ultimately choose will hinge on various factors, including temperament, exercise needs and appearance. Basically, whether it fits into your family and suits your lifestyle. But more importantly than that should be the health of the breed and whether it is predisposed to any specific medical c...

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  • The importance of dental care in dogs Image

    The health and hygiene of a dog’s mouth is often overlooked until an obvious problem becomes apparent. We sometimes forget that dogs, like us, need regular attention paying to their teeth in order to prevent the build-up of tartar and plaque, keep breath fresh, and maintain the health of the gums. As with all things, prevention is easier than...

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  • Alabama Rot Image

    With Alabama Rot featuring heavily in the news of late, let’s answer the questions we’ve all been asking. What is it? Cutaneous and Renal Glomerular Vasculopathy, or Alabama Rot, is a serious disease with a 90% mortality rate in dogs. It is characterised by painful skin lesions and organ failure. When was it first identified? Alabama Ro...

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  • The ultimate '5 a day' for your dog Image

    It’s that time of year where lots of people suffer with coughs and colds. We are advised to include ‘5 a day’ in our diet and take power supplements such as echinacea and vitamin C to help keep our immune system working at it’s optimum, in order to fight off viruses. But what about your dog? How do you keep them in the best...

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  • Avoid cold and flu season for your pooch Image

    With the cold weather looking to be staying put, many people are being taken ill with colds and flu. While you might protect yourself with a flu jab or have the medicine cabinet stocked just in case, your dog can't take these precautions. Dogs can also get ill at this time of year, with dog flu often being an issue; especially if your pet is around...

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  • Why you should DNA test your dog Image

    You’ve heard of human DNA testing, but what about DNA testing for dogs? Yes, it’s very much a thing, and while it may seem a foreign concept to many, an increasing number of dog owners are choosing to have their canines tested, and for a variety of reasons. Just as humans have DNA, each breed of dog has a distinctive set of markers whic...

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  • Socialise early for a happy, confident dog Image

    Every day, hundreds of dogs are handed to shelters around the world. And the leading reason for this? Behavioural problems. If your dog isn’t socialised from an early age, chances are that you’ll encounter problems as your dog gets older, especially when meeting strangers, children and other animals. The critical period for socialisatio...

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Berriewood Wholesale

Berriewood Wholesale has been working alongside VioVet to bring you a wider range of products, including prescription medications. Berriewood Wholesale has been owned and run by VioVet since 2015, and has been operating since then from the same premises in Luton, Bedfordshire.

Berriewood Wholesale has now been fully merged with VioVet. If you had an account with Berriewood Wholesale you can securely login with your same details on the VioVet website and there will be no delay or disruption to the supply of your pet products.

Thank you for being a Berriewood Wholesale customer, we are confident that you will be just as satisfied with what VioVet can offer you and your pets!

If you'd like more information about the company merge, you can read more on our blog.